Our Custom Shadow Boxes
noun: shadow-box
a frame/case with a protective transparent front, used for displaying jewelry, coins, or other objects.
(AKA - We can frame absolutely anything! Just as long as it’s not alive.)
A hole in one is definitely something to brag about!
Let’s get that proud memory up on your wall!
Pro tip - save your golf ball and score cards to make an even more unique and personal shadow box.
Family heirlooms will be safe AND beautiful in our custom shadow boxes.
All of our custom picture framing is 100% archival, 100% reversible, and 100% awesome. Your family heirlooms will never have any glue, acidic materials, or adhesive touching them. Our glass is even 99% protective against UV rays! Shadow boxes will allow your precious family heirlooms to last forever.
PeeWee’s Big Adventure: Shadow Box Framing!
This special project allowed Myrna to really tap into her creative brain and while also challenging her. She truly enjoyed feeling the “freeness” of the creative process take over. Please enjoy our video of the finished product of PeeWee Herman, and please - no Paul Reubens jokes!
Awards and lifetime achievements
These shadow boxes can be anything from a military career (thank you for your service!!), to a Grammy Award, and everything in between.
Football, cycling, soccer, basketball, we frame it ALL!