We are your local experts in digital restoration.
We scan your old and tired photos and digitally restore the color and repair cracks, damages, fading, and torn images.
Our customers are amazed at what we can do!
What is Digital Photo Restoration?
The practice of restoring the appearance of a digital copy of a physical photograph that has been damaged by natural, man-made, or environmental causes or simply affected by age or neglect.
Stellar results!
High Desert Frameworks! The solution for scanning your old photos, 35mm film and slides, and medium/large format negatives and bringing them back to life!
Your valuable original photos never leave our property. Work is done in-house and we guarantee our quality.
Basic Digital Photo Restoration ($15-35)
Removal of:
Facial blemishes
‘Crowsfeet’ around eyes
Stray hairs
Smoothing and reducing wrinkles
Repair of minor cracks/tears
Restore faded colors
Healing of minor damages
Advanced Digital Photo Restoration $35-$150
Major stains and fading
Severe water damage
Missing features
Scratches and holes
Moving, adding, or removing people
Healing damage to faces
Book an appointment.
Appointments are not required however if you would like to reserve your time at Frameworks please choose the appropriate appointment type below. We can’t wait to chat with you about your project!