Inner Strength - Outward Beauty ... 2019 Tru Vue Best in Show: Attendees’ Choice awarded to Myrna Dow
We are honored and humbled to announce Myrna Dow was selected for the 2019 Tru Vue All-Star Custom Framing Competition that concluded at the International West Coast Art And Framing Expo held in Las Vegas this past January 2019. Custom picture framers from around the world attending the annual trade show voted Myrna Dow’s creation as their favorite and she garnered the ….
2019 Tru Vue Best in Show: Attendees’ Choice awarded To Myrna Dow of High Desert Frameworks

Myrna Dow (right), President and Founder of High Desert Frameworks Inc, Bend Oregon with Jane Boyce (left), President Tru Vue Inc. Photo Credit Mark Wallenfang 2019. West Coast Art and Frame Expo 2019 Las Vegas NV.
Myrna’s Journey
“Inner Strength - Outward Beauty” by Myrna Dow
Let's join together to raise awareness for the fight against cancer!
Myrna knows all too well, battling a debilitating disease has a tremendous effect on the mind, body, and soul. Losing both parents to cancer during a two-year stretch profoundly changes a person's perspective and priorities while serving as a catalyst to help others affected by the disease.
When presented with the opportunity from Tru Vue® to create a piece devoted to raising awareness, Myrna Dow was thrilled! The goal of the piece is to highlight how those battling cancer must tackle the journey with immense inner strength and courageous outward beauty. The artwork created was a highly collaborative effort among the framer, family members, and other art specialists. The below epistle was a collaboration written by Myrna and family to help serve as the creative direction and inspiration for the piece.

Myrna Dow, High Desert Frameworks, Inc Bend Oregon - 2019 Tru Vue Best in Show: Attendees’ Choice award. West Coast Art and Frame Expo, January 2019 Las Vegas NV. Photo Credit, Mark Wallenfang 2019.
I am a young woman with cancer. I am your neighbor. I am your coworker. I am your friend. I am your sister. I am your mother. I am your wife. Our journey is riddled with bumps, pitfalls, and roadblocks. Hearing the "C" word the first time flooded me with so many emotions; fear for myself and the ones I love, sorrow for the potential outcome, and hope for beating the beast... I will beat the beast!
Losing my hair as a result of the invasive treatment was devastating. I chose a henna crown because I am a fighter, and my fight deserves to be beautifully honored. The process was soothing as the artist applied the henna, and the finished piece crowns me with courage. Cancer has deeply impacted my life, as it has likely touched yours. It has surpassed heart disease as the number one killer; it is paramount that we continue the fight for a cure. Join me!
The original artwork in the piece was designed by Myrna to represent the woman in the poem. Nationally acclaimed artist June Jaeger was presented with a mock up of the design and she used her talents to create the hand painted fiber art. Along with the image, words associated with fighting cancer – peace, survive, determination, family, endurance, and many more – were printed on a fabric background. The piece was completed using a circular Prisma frame with a customized cancer ribbon design.
Here are the six 2019 All-Stars — Click on the image, explore and hear their stories and passion about their cause.
Why Tru Vue’s Competition?
For the last several years Tru Vue has really upped the game and sponsored some rigorous custom framing competitions for professional picture framers across the globe. Myrna Dow, owner of High Desert Frameworks, Inc competed in two competitions (Facebook Video Here) and was selected to custom frame a piece for Tru Vue’s 70th anniversary promotion “Recognizing Advancements That Propelled The Future.” and “Myrna Dow's Tru Frameable Moment -- It's out of this world! .”
In a previous post we highlighted the competition and the pressures that go along with entering. You can read about it here: “When your peers are your audience there is absolutely no pressure to up your game!”
Myrna states “The Tru Vue Framing competition is an excellent way to showcase creativity and craftsmanship. When participating in a competition I am able to push myself beyond what is common in framing; the process inspires me to explore and compose unique frame designs. After the competition, the framed pieces are prominently displayed in the frameshop to be discussed, admired, and used as ideas for new projects and endless possibilities.”
“It truly is a honor to be selected for this great event. We appreciate all that Tru Vue does to create a fantastic product, provide awesome customer service and support the craft through events like this. We thank you Tru Vue!”
Myrna is not shy to custom picture framing competitions. You can read about prior awards here: Awards.
Come Frame With Us!
For more information on custom picture framing options, high resolution scanning, fine art and custom digital printing please visit our downtown Bend Oregon location or reach out to us by phone or on the web! We are the choice in Bend picture framing and all of Central Oregon.
High Desert Frameworks!
61 NW Oregon Avenue Suite 101 Bend Oregon 97703
(541) 647-2191
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