So Scan You! Suggestions from the experts. Slide, negative and film preservation and duplication
Have you wanted to ask the following burning questions?
Q. How do I preserve my digital photo library, with the photos at full resolution? Is an online database better than on the computer’s hard drive?

Vintage Slide Projector - Circa 1950's
Q. What can you do with slides? Many years of my wonderful family photos are only on slides. Can I even get them printed? How do I preserve them?
Q. I have numerous family photo albums dating to the early 20th century. How can I best scan and preserve these digitally? Should I still keep the originals after digitizing - or is it OK to discard them?
Q. My question is how to best preserve negatives from the photos my father took during WWII. They are uncut and have been stored rolled up and in either cardboard sleeves or old film canisters. I had the images scanned by a local photo store a few years ago and the film is still pliant and uncracked.
A whole bunch of people already asked the questions for you. Here is just one answer from a wonderful NY Times article on Archiving and Preserving your Family History. The article also addresses movie film (which we do not duplicate) and provides some great independent links to archival and storage options+++. Most definitely worth the read!
Here is just one answer from Bertram Lyons, an archivist at the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress in Washington.
"Look for vendors who offer more than just JPEG deliverables. At the very least, if you are going to pay to have your slides or prints scanned, make sure the vendor delivers an uncompressed file (e.g., TIFF), and request at least a resolution that yields 6,000 pixels across the longest dimension of the image. For a 10- x 7-inch print, that would be 600 ppi (pixels per inch). This will ensure high-quality viewing and printing options for future uses." Source: Tips on Archiving Family History (part 2) [ ].
AND ...
Just in case you were wondering.
High Desert Frameworks scanning solutions and our philosophy are based on providing the best possible duplication, at the highest resolution that allows for future options. High Desert Frameworks utilizes two, top of the line professional Epson art and film scanners to produce stunning results for our clients. We scan your photo, 35mm slides and film negatives, 110mm, 120mm, 126mm, 4x5 and medium/large format negatives up to 6000ppi, clean them up, color correct / restore if needed and then provide them to you in a digital format. When requested, files are provided to you in both tiff and jpg file format. A typically 35mm slide scanned at 6000ppi would easily provide a 24" x 24" digital print and possibly larger depending on the original photo quality.

A typical 35mm slide scanning project underway at High Desert Frameworks -- Clients slides are from 1950-2010.
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+++ If you are in need of archival storage solutions please call, stop by or email us as we can order for you or provide options.