Trick or Treat - Your Memories. Our Ink, Paper and Framing.
Isn't this cute or what! Don't let your holiday memories slip away. Capture and preserve those family moments for a lifetime. High Desert Frameworks!, is Central Oregon's choice when it comes to printing and framing your digital images.
Great News -- Now offering on-site digital fine art and photo printing. We can print and frame your art for your home or office. For a limited time you can take 20% off printing prices for prints framed in our shop! Details: Digital Printing [ ]
High Desert Frameworks! The locals choice for printing and framing your memories, family vacation and portrait photographs, posters, fine art prints and business presentations.
Come Frame With Us! -- Your memories. Our ink, paper and craftsmanship.
High Desert Frameworks!
61 NW Oregon Avenue #101
Downtown, Bend, Oregon 97701
(541) 647-2191