The ABC's of custom framing textiles


What an honor to frame a beautiful cross-stitch created from the heart.  These heirlooms are typically made with a special person in mind and passed down from generation to generation.

For our framing of this treasure, the colors where carefully selected to enhance the piece and a neutral hand wrapped fabric mat went hand in hand with the fabric background of the cross-stitch. Topped off with a great Larson Juhl frame and fillet plus the benefit of museum glass.  Tru Vue museum glass is the glass of choice when framing textiles because of its anti reflective and conservation properties.  

Come Frame With Us! - Where custom framing is spelled --  H I G H D E S E R T F R A M E W O R K S

High Desert Frameworks!
61 NW Oregon Avenue #101
Downtown, Bend, Oregon 97701



Printing (and custom framing) the past - today. Preserving your memories.


It's that time of the year - Now Framing for the Holidays!